Know When to Prime Before You Paint in Halifax

Know When to Prime Before You Paint

Whether you are planning to paint an accent wall in your living room
or an entire floor of your home a good deal of planning goes into making sure that your project goes smoothly.  The last thing you want is to finish painting and realize you missed a crucial step – priming. It may seem like an unnecessary burden, but in

It may seem like an unnecessary burden, but in reality, it can go a long way in ensuring that your walls look fresh and vibrant.



If you are painting over raw drywall, primer is absolutely essential to prevent paint from seeping into the paper and looking blotchy when dry.  When you are painting another color, the primer is still useful to ensure your color dries as desired.



Wood surfaces require primer before paint because it is difficult for a top coat to fully stick to the wood.  No matter what method you are using for application prime before you paint to avoid messy and unsightly flaking.


Rough and Metallic Surfaces

For a smoother look and paint that doesn’t flake off just a few weeks after you have painted, prime all raw metal and rough surfaces like brick before applying a topcoat.

A beautiful, seamless finished product will make it well-worth the time and effort spent on your home improvement project.  Don’t start your next interior painting project without doing some research into the right process for your walls.