Benefits of Priming the Wall before Painting in Halifax
If you want to change the look of your home, painting is the easiest and least expensive way. With so many colors to choose from, painting is a perfect way to express your unique personality and style at just a fraction of the cost of other home improvement projects. However, for a long-lasting and beautiful finish, one crucial step to follow before painting is priming. While you paint your home, remember about primer.
Importance of Primer:
Painters Halifax, your professional painters will know that the key to a beautiful painting job is not just about buying the most expensive paint on the market. They will know that a single coat of primer followed by the finish coats of paint you choose will give better results that will last longer. That is the reason why professionals prime first and then paint.
Wall paints are formulated with less resin and more pigment to give vibrant and beautiful color to the walls. While primers are resin-rich, they are a good foundation for paint. It is understood, that this may sound like painting a surface two times for little benefit. Let us tell you, that applying primer has a lot of advantages, especially for long-lasting paints.
Having stain-free, polished, and sealed surfaces is the key to obtaining the best paint job possible. This can be accomplished by applying a coat of primer and then the finish coats.
Benefits of Priming the wall before you paint:
Save Money and Time
Primers are formulated for sealing the surface. Hence when the surface is sealed appropriately, the usage of paint lessens. It doesn’t require multiple coats of paint to get consistent and even finish. House painters Halifax will use quality primers, so that the finish will be right the first time, and will last the longest. As primers are less expensive compared to paints, you will save money, and get a better longer lasting finish, than painting straight over a bare surface with more expensive paint, as you will require more of it if it hasn’t been sealed properly. Plus it will not last as long.
Primer makes the Paint color look Richer:
Primers can hide even the darkest underlying shades, preventing them from showing through the changed color. The new paint color will be more beautiful and vibrant if you prime it first while you choose to change the paint color of your home.
Primers can Block Stains:
Stains like lipstick, crayon, water stains, and the marker will bleed through the paint. This is where primers help. Primers seal the stains, thus preventing them from ruining the new paint coat. So, painters Halifax will add a layer of primer to block all the stains, including water stains, when they start painting jobs.
Anything can be Painted when it is Primed First:
If you try to paint a slippery surface with paint alone, chances are it will not stick. There are primers that are formulated to suit and adhere to all surfaces. This means when a coat of primer is applied, you can paint anything from Formica cabinets to ceramic tiles.
Primers make the Paint Last Longer:
Residential painters will suggest primers to prevent common problems with painting, including, blistering, cracking, and peeling. So, with a coat of primer beneath, your paint will retain it’s color longer. Hence you will have to paint less often.